% Year 2002; there are 20 entries. @article{Arat2002, author = {Y. Arata and Y.~C. Zhang}, title = {Formation of condensed metallic deuterium lattice and nuclear fusion}, journal = {Proc. Japan. Acad. Ser. B}, volume = {78}, year = {2002}, pages = {57--62}, keywords = {Experimental, gas phase, loading, pycnonuclear fusion, res+}, submitted = {02/2002}, published = {03/2002}, annote = {Hydrogen under very high pressure might become metallic and fuse. This might also be realised by loading hydrogen (deuterium) into a metal, causing the hydrogen to coagulate into clumps, and thus precipitate a pycnonuclear fusion reaction. The electrons make this process easier. In one experiment, small Pd particles embedded in a ZrO2 matrix were evacuated for 2 days and then exposed to H2/D2 gas flowing in at a constant rate. Both the pressure in the chamber and the temperature were followed against time. The pressure yielded the loading, which came to about 2.2 and 2.5, at resp. 3 atm and 10 atm. The ZrO2 did not absorb any hydrogen. In another experiment, the weight of the powder was measured as H2/D2 was absorbed. Pd powder alone absorbed up to a loading of about 1, while the Pd/ZrO2 mix went to 3. The paper then discusses crystal structure and where the hydrogen might sit within it. The paper concludes that Pd particles of 50A size can absorb large amounts of hydrogen quickly, and that the hydrogen must form clumps in the lattice. These will then favour pycnonuclear fusion.} } @article{Baue2002, author = {H.~H. Bauer}, title = {'Pathological Science' is not scientific misconduct (nor is it pathological)}, journal = {HYLE Int. J. Phil. Chem.}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, year = {2002}, pages = {5--20}, keywords = {Sci/phil}, published = {04/2002}, url = {http://www.hyle.org/journal/issues/8-1/bauer.htm}, annote = {Science philosopher and chemist H. H. Bauer argues that the charges levelled at cold fusion and its proponents are unfounded. The field has most of the purported failings in common with other, respected, fields. There are no clear and agreed upon definitions of pathological science or scientific misconduct, and the cases usually given as examples are not clearly different from what is regarded as normal science. The phrase 'pathological science' is outdated and should be abandoned.} } @article{Chub2002, author = {T. Chubb}, title = {Comments on 'Search for 3He and 4He in Arata-style palladium cathodes I: a negative result' and 'Search for 3He and 4He in Arata-style palladium cathodes II: evidence for tritium production'. (Letter to the Editor)}, journal = {Fusion Sci. Technol.}, volume = {41}, year = {2002}, pages = {151.}, keywords = {Polemic}, submitted = {09/2001}, published = {03/2002}, annote = {Talbot Chubb writes that the 3-helium inside Arata \& Zhang's Pd bottle was historic evidence of a nuclear reaction, independently of where it came from; Clarke et al, in the paper under scrutiny here, wrote that it was extraneous tritium that caused the production of 3He. The lack of 4He observed by C et al is in contrast with that of A\&Z, who did indeed find 4He. Addressing Part II, Chubb criticises the loss of most of the analysed sample (90\% of it), and the fact that this was not adequately looked at.} } @article{Clar2002a, author = {W. B. Clarke}, title = {Response to 'Comments on 'Search for 3He and 4He in Arata-style palladium cathodes I: a negative result'. (Letter to the Editor)}, journal = {Fusion Sci. Technol.}, volume = {41}, year = {2002}, pages = {152.}, keywords = {Polemic}, submitted = {10/2001}, published = {03/2002}, annote = {Clarke rebuts the criticism by Chubb of his and coauthors' findings that it was tritium that caused the appearance of 3He and that no 4He was found, writing that both were wrong. Clarke, on the contrary, here defends this conclusion, citing some text from an Arata \& Zhang paper. Clarke believes that a well known memory effect in mass spectroscopy is the origin of the 4He, not a nuclear reaction.} } @article{Clar2002b, author = {W. B. Clarke and B. M. Oliver}, title = {Response to 'Comments on 'Search for 3He and 4He in Arata-style palladium cathodes II: evidence for tritium production'. (Letter to the Editor)}, journal = {Fusion Sci. Technol.}, volume = {41}, year = {2002}, pages = {153--154}, keywords = {Polemic} } @article{Digi2002, author = {M. DiGiulio and E. Filippo and D. Manno and V. Nassisi}, title = {Analysis of nuclear transmutations observed in D- and H-loaded films}, journal = {Int. J. Hydrogen Energy}, volume = {27}, year = {2002}, pages = {527--531}, keywords = {Experimental, Pd, gas loading, transmutation, res+, no FPH/Jones refs}, published = {05/2002}, annote = {The team made Pd films on Si by evaporation onto the base, and loaded these with H2 or D2 gas at up to 6 atm, for a week or so. After the loading, the films were subjected to a number (2000) of laser burst shots of a UV excimer laser. The samples were then analysed by SEM and EDX to study the surface morphology. Pd, Si and O were always found. Some of both the H2 and D2 loaded films also showed other, unexpected elements such as Ca, Fe, S, Zn, Ti, Cu and Cr, not initially present. This implies that they were the products of transmutation.} } @article{Isob2002, author = {Y. Isobe and S. Uneme and K. Yabuta and Y. Katayama and H. Mori and T. Omote and S. Ueda and K. Ochiai and H. Miyamaru and A. Takahashi}, title = {Search for multibody nuclear reactions in metal deuteride induced with ion beam and electrolysis methods}, journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.}, volume = {41 Part 1}, year = {2002}, pages = {1546--1456}, keywords = {Experimental, electrolysis, ion beam, Pd, Ti, res+, no FPH/Jones ref.}, submitted = {04/2001}, published = {03/2002}, annote = {This is a double-barrelled paper, reporting the results of both an electrolysis experiment in D2O at a Pd cathode, and an ion beam. The electrolysis cell was of the closed type, stainless steel coated with Teflon, and calorimetry was done by the cooling coil method. The initial head space gas was D2. Loading was measured by the gas pressure. A neutron detector was placed next to the cell, and the head space gas and the cathode were examined for 4He after each run. Some cathodes were annealed, some were coated with Ti or Au layers by vacuum evaporation. Out of 8 runs, 5 showed some 4He, but none showed any neutron emissions, and only one showed excess heat, and not much of that. For the ion beam runs, 100-300 keV deuteron and beam was aimed at a Ti target preloaded (from the gas phase) with deuterium. The resulting signals were consistent with a d+d+d triple fusion proposed by the authors. To test whether this was 3 deuterons in the Ti jostled together by the beam, or two deuterons hit by another in the beam itself, the proton beam was used, to see whether there still was a d+d+d triple fusion signal. The results confirmed this.} } @article{Iwam2002, author = {Y. Iwamura and M. Sakano and T. Itoh}, title = {Elemental analysis of Pd complexes: effects of D2 gas permeation}, journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.}, volume = {41 Part 1}, year = {2002}, pages = {4642--4650}, keywords = {Experimental, gas phase, D2, Pd, transmutation, res+, no FPH/Jones ref.}, submitted = {07/2001}, published = {07/2002}, annote = {The authors used a complex layered Pd membrane, consisting of a thin top film of Pd (400 A), a 5-fold CaO/Pd composite layer beneath that (1000 A), and a base Pd layer (0.1 mm). One side of the film was exposed to D2 gas, the other to vacuum. The top Pd layer was coated thinly with Cs or Sr, thickness not stated, by electrolysis. The surface was analysed, from time to time, by XPS and SIMS. For the membrane coated with Cs (at.no. 55), Pr (at.no. 59) was found after the run, while none was found if there was no CaO or no Cs. For the Sr (at.no. 38) coat and CaO layer, Mo (at.no. 42) was found. Also, the isotope distribution of the found Mo was not the same as the natural distribution, having a main peak at mass 96, and a smaller one at the normally largest at 98. Both the Pr and Mo signals increased with time in concert with a decrease of the Cs or Sr signals, respectively. The authors take all this to mean that their own EINR model is confirmed (Iwam1998)} } @article{Kama2002, author = {K. Kamada}, title = {Heating of deuteron implanted Al on electron bombardment and its possible relation to 'cold fusion' experiment}, journal = {Fusion Eng. Design}, volume = {60}, year = {2002}, pages = {219--226}, keywords = {Experimental, ion implantation, heat, res-, no FPH/Jones refs}, annote = {This is a correction of the earlier paper Kama2001, which had some incorrect equations in Sect. 5.2.} } @article{Kirk2002, author = {V.~A. Kirkinskii and V.~A. Drebushchak and A.~I. Khmelnikov}, title = {Excess heat release during deuterium sorption-desorption by finely powdered palladium deuteride}, journal = {Europhys. Lett.}, volume = {58}, year = {2002}, pages = {462--467}, keywords = {Experimental, gas phase, Pd, heat, res+}, submitted = {01/2002}, published = {05/2002}, annote = {A steel chamber containing powdered Pd and Pd foil deuteride (prepared by electrolysis) was heated to desorb the deuterium, then cooled again, whereupon the deuterium was absorbed in the powder to a loading of 0.6. Eight series of experiments were carried out. Results showed excess heat if deuterium gas was used, but not with hydrogen gas. Thus, fusion occurred in the chamber.} } @article{Krym2002, author = {V.~V. Krymskii and V.~F. Balakirev}, title = {Effect of nanosecond electromagnetic pulses on the properties of matter}, journal = {Dokl. Phys. Chem.}, volume = {385}, year = {2002}, pages = {197--198}, keywords = {Transmutation by em}, submitted = {05/2002}, published = {08/2002}, annote = {Powerful em pulses: 0.5 ns duration, > 8 kV amplitude, 1000 kHz rep. rate, were applied to salt solutions and metal melts. A solution of copper sulphate and zinc sulphate was irradiated and the copper content increased while the zinc content decreased ("vanished"). In one run, 0.16 M Cu increased to 0.18M, while 0.03 M Zn went to zero. In another run, the same salts were used but at a low pH, and the process went the other way, showing that pH determines the direction of the nuclear reaction. Lastly, an 8 kg casting alloy melt was irradiated and out of the metals initially present (Cu, Fe, Si, Mg, Mn) all increased in concentration, except Mg, which decreased, though not, it seems, in the same measure as the increase of the other elements. There is reference to Kervran, but the name does not appear in list of references.} } @article{Li2002, author = {J.~Q. Li and L.~R. Shen and G.~S. Li}, title = {Study on physical basis of cold fusion}, journal = {Plasma Sci. Technol.}, volume = {4}, year = {2002}, pages = {1585--1589}, keywords = {Theory, res-}, submitted = {06/2002}, published = {12/2002}, annote = {The authors calculate the expected rate of cold fusion of deuterons confined in a Ti lattice and arrive at a small rate of $10^{-76}$ / cm$^3$ / s, too small to be detected. So more research is needed into thermal fusion if future energy needs are to be met.} } @article{Mill2002a, author = {R.~L. Mills and P. Ray}, title = {Spectral emission of fractional quantum energy levels of atomic hydrogen from a helium-hydrogen plasma and the implications for dark matter}, journal = {Int. J. Hydrogen Energy}, volume = {27}, year = {2002}, pages = {301--322}, keywords = {Theory, experimental. res+}, published = {04/2002}, annote = {Mills writes "Mills predicts...", in this case atomic hydrogen reacting with other atomic or ionised elements such as He, involving a nonradiative energy transfer. Nevertheless, radiation is detected, in the extreme UV. Astrophysical data is reviewed and such emission lines are found. This may solve the solar neutrino problem (again).} } @article{Mill2002b, author = {R. L. Mills and P. Ray}, title = {Vibrational spectral emission of fractional-principal-quantum-energy-level hydrogen molecular ion}, journal = {Int. J. Hydrogen Energy}, volume = {27}, year = {2002}, pages = {533--564}, published = {05/2002}, keywords = {Theory, experimental. res+}, annote = {Ar too, having an ionisation energy almost equal to that given off when a hydrino is formed (27.6 eV, compared with 27.2, resp.), can catalyse hydrino formation, since something has to be there to receive the energy given off upon the jump down to the below-ground state. Again, extreme UV has been detected and spectral lines in the solar spectrum found, that confirm all this.} } @article{Mill2002c, author = {R.~L. Mills and P. Ray}, title = {The grand unified theory of classical quantum mechanics}, journal = {Int. J. Hydrogen Energy}, volume = {27}, year = {2002}, pages = {565--590}, keywords = {Theory.}, published = {05/2002}, annote = {The Big One. Along the way, the hydrino comes into the picture.} } @article{Mill2002d, author = {R.~L. Mills and P.~C. Ray and B. Dhandapani and R.~M. Mayo and J. He}, title = {Comparison of excessive Balmer alpha line broadening of glow discharge and microwave hydrogen plasmas with certain catalysts}, journal = {J. Appl. Phys.}, volume = {92}, year = {2002}, pages = {7008--7021}, keywords = {Experimental, hydrinos, plasma emissions, res+}, submitted = {09/2002}, published = {12/2002}, annote = {Mixtures of Sr and H2, and of Mg/H2, were subjected to plasma temperatures using either microwaves or glow discharges. The hydrogen Balmer alpha lines were seen to broaden in the former case, but not the latter. Mixtures of hydrogen with He and Ar also showed strong broadening. These results are consistent with Mills' hypothesis of resonant energy transfer.} } @article{Oria2002, author = {R.~A. Oriani and J.~C. Fisher}, title = {Generation of nuclear tracks during electrolysis}, journal = {Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.}, volume = {41}, year = {2002}, pages = {6180--6183}, keywords = {Experimental, electrolysis, Pd, charged particles, res+}, submitted = {04/2002}, published = {10/2002}, annote = {The authors placed some cp detectors, in the form of CR-39 chips to be etched after exposure, directly under the Pd cathode undergoing electrolysis in Li2SO4 in D2O electrolyte. The Pd was a 25X25 mm foil. Results showed that a significant number of cp's were emitted by the cathode, but not commensurate with heat observations in other experiments. No strong conclusions were drawn here.} } @article{Schu2002, author = {U. Schulte}, title = {Die 'Kalte Kernfusion' - ein wissenschaftlicher Artifakt}, journal = {Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung}, volume = {142}, number = {14}, year = {2002}, pages = {77--79}, note = {In German}, keywords = {Discussion}, published = {04/2002}, annote = {The author reviews cold fusion, beginning with a section titled "pathological science". This is the tone of the review. Paneth \& Peters and Tandberg are mentioned. Cold fusion would require four miracles. Some hardy workers persist in working on cnf and receive funding, publishing in obscure journals. All this work belongs on the dung heap. The recent sonofusion claims by Taleyarkhan et al are in the same category, as it is unlikely that temperatures sufficiently high for fusion can be achieved inside the cavitating bubbles (although the author begins by stating that no one knows what temperatures can be achieved). Taleyarkhan et al are not daunted by the examples of F\&P, and show either strong courage or fanaticism.} } @article{Shan2002, author = {K. Shanahan}, title = {A systematic error in mass flow calorimetry demonstrated}, journal = {Thermochim. Acta}, volume = {387}, year = {2002}, pages = {95--100}, keywords = {Polemic, res-}, submitted = {10/2001}, published = {05/2002}, annote = {Shanahan here argues that the published results of Storms (and others using similar data treatment) are flawed. The flaw resides in applying the global statistically determined calorimetry parameters to specific runs, rather than locally measured parameters for each run. When Shanahan applies the latter to some data made available by Storms, the purported excess heat claimed by Storms becomes more like noise hovering around the zero line.} } @article{Yama2002, author = {T. Yamamura and Y. Shiokawa and A. Inoue and Y.~C. Zhang and Y. Arata}, title = {Neutron activation analysis of Pd atom clusters caused pycnonuclear fusion}, journal = {J. High. Temp. Soc.}, volume = {28}, year = {2002}, pages = {144--149}, keywords = {Experimental, nano-sized Pd, electrolysis, neutron activation, res+}, submitted = {05/2002}, annote = {Nano-sized Pd particles, which had been inside Arata's double-structure Pd bottles and exposed to hydrogen or deuterium from electrolysis, and then irradiated afterwards with neutrons, were found to have different isotopic products due to the neutron activation. A possible explanation is nuclear fusion between two PD atoms during the activation, aided by the deuterium.} }