
Subpage of Kowalski

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This website contains other cold fusion items.
Click to see the list of links

Links to “cold fusion” items.Ludwik Kowalski
My motivation? Click to see a short introduction. 

Click here to go to the bottom of this long list

0) I am no loger saying “it is woodoo sciece.” click 
1) Introducing Cold Fusion to students. click 
2) A typical “cold-fusion” setup. click 
3) Three kinds of Cold fusion. click 
4) Short biographies of three Cold Fusion Scientists. click 
5) Aberration of the scientific methology. click 
6) On dangers of “second hand” publishing. click 
7) On Pathological Science (N-rays story). click 
8) On Burden of Proof in Science. click 
9) Scientific Method in Cold Fusion. click 
10) A Russian connection. click 
11) Bottom Line. click 
12) What do physics teachers think about CF? click 
13) More about the Russian Connection. click 
14) What is pseudo-scientific in this? click 
15) Or what is pseudo-scientific in this? click 
16) Here is an example of real pseudo-science. click 
17) An Italian connection. click 
18) Nobel Prize for “cold fusion?” click 
19) A French connection. click 
20) Excommunication of heretics? click 
21) If it were up to me I would do it. click 
22) Another good article summarized. click 
23) A Japanese connecion. click 
24) Three short introductionary tutorials. click 
25) A technical tutorial. click 
26) Comments on the 1989 ERAB report. click 
27) Conspiracy? For what purpose? click 
28) Summary of a very impressive paper. click or
29) Another French connection. click 
30) New APS ethics guidelines and the CF issue. click 
31) Excess heat for a student lab? Yes, why not. click 
32) Pathological science or important observations to share? click 
33) How would Richard Feynman react to CF? click 
34) My own proposal. click 
35) On methodology and on difficulties. click 
36) Ethical issues as seen by an active CF researcher. click 
37) On coulomb barrier lowering. click 
38) Producing radioactive tritium. click 
39) Changing isotopic composition. click 
40) My cold fusion lecture plan. click 
41) Comments from a friend. click 
42) More comments.; to publish or not to publish? click 
43) One year after the announcment: click 
44) Before going to Salt Lake City: click 
45) After returning from Salt Lake City: click 
46) Charlatans versus scientists: click 
47) Catalytic fusion: click 
48) Charge Clusters ? click 
49) Not accepted by The Physics Teacher: click 
50) From the last APS meeting: click 
51) US Navy supported cold fusion: click 
52) Alchemy in cold fusion: click 
53) Another way; role of surface structure: click 
54) Criticizing cold fusion: click 
55) The smoking gun?: click 
56) Technological Con Artistry?: click 
57) And what about hydrinos?: click 
58) From a debate on another list: click 
59) A piece to publish in a newsletter: click 
60) Nuclear Alchemy, 1996: click 
61) What are the causes of this conflict?: click 
62) Cold Fusion was compared with creationism: click 
63) Jed’s interesting general observations: click 
64) Stalin’s pseudo-science: click 
65) Pseudo-science in Russia today: click 
66) Cybernetics as pseudo-science: click 
67) Observations made at Texas A&M University: click 
68) Two meanings of “impossible:” click 
69) Conspiracy to deceive? I do not think so:” click 
70) Please help us click 
71) A Nobel Laureate about voodoo science click 
72) Anecdotal Evidence? click 
73) A confirmation of a reproducible excess heat experiment click 
74) E. Mallove describes reproducible excess heat experiments click 
75) Do not mix science with fiction click 
76) Secrecy in cold fusion research click 
77) Another evidence of nuclear reactions in “cold fusion” click 
78) An older fight for acceptance; the story of Arrhenius click 
79) Early beta decay studies compared with cold fusion click 
80) Secular theology? click 
81) Where are theories of cold fusion? click 
82) Speculations of a retired physicist (This unit is being revised by the author) click 
83) Disassociate cold fusion from antigravity, hydrinos, etc. click 
84) A cold fusion opinion statement of a physics teacher click 
85) From a book of a cold fusion researcher in Japan. click 
86) Pseudoscience in Russia. click 
87) Fighting a straw man. click 
88) Rejections of cold fusion papers by editors click 
89) Hydrinos again click 
90) My talk at the 10th International Cold Fusion Conference click 
91) My poster at that conference click 
92) Agenda for the preconference cold fusion workshop click 
93) Back to stories from Kruglyakov’s book click 
94) Browsing the Internet click 
95) Catalysts in cold fusion? click 
96) No gamma rays were found in our experiment click 
97) My published letter to the editor of The Physics Teacher click 
98) Students demonstrating excess heat from cold fusion click 
99) Speeding up radioactive decay? click 
100) Documenting a rejection by Physics Today click 
101) How excess heat was measured. click 
102) A paper by the retired physicist from unit #82. (This unit is being revised by the author) click 
103) Students trying to demonstrate excess heat. Is it nuclear? click 
104) New alchemy? Yes, indeed. click 
105) More about new alchemy experiments. click 
106) Why is Norman Ramsey silent today? click 
107) Biological alchemy ? click 
108) Another experiment for your students ? click 
109) A video cassette “Fire from Water” for your students click 
110) They need a real leader click 
111) Photos of Fleischmann and Jones, August 2003 click 
112) The dilemma of a physics teacher. click 
113) Unexplained neutrons and protons; recent papers of Steven Jones. click 
114) Voices from teachers and students (?) click 
115) They need your suppost click 
116) A negative evaluation of cold fusion claims click 
117) Exposing false claims click 
118) New error analysis versus old? click 
119) Errors in unison click 
120) A Chinese connection click 
121) Just Withering from Scientific Neglect click 
122) Laser-like X-rays in “cold fusion?” click 
123) An important Japanese connection (Iwamura) click 
124) How can one doubt that charged particles are real (WAITNING FOR PERMISSION TO SHARE) click 
125) An article I want to publish click 
126) Reactions or contamination, that is the question click 
127) “Water remembers?” This is pseudoscientific click 
128) Screening in condensed matter or something else? click 
129) Quixotic Fiasco? click 
130) Sonofusion becomes acceptable click 
131) Cold Fusion History described by Steven Jones click 
132) Cold Fusion History described by Martin Fleischmann click 
133) Cold Fusion name was dropped click 
134) Second evaluation by the DOE decided. How certain is this? click 
135) Seek not the golden egg, but the goose click 
136) What is cold fusion? click 
137) An inventor or a con artist? click 
138) Recent Internet messages. click 
139) If I were in charge. click 
140) Kasagi’s papers. click 
141) A paper from Dubna, Russia. click 
142) In memory of Eugene Mallove. click 
143) Questions about science and society. click 
144) Catalytic nuclear reactions. click 
145) Role of the non-equilibrium. click 
146) Scientific or not scientific? click 
147) Extract from an old good summary (E. Storms, 2000). click 
148) On difficulties communicating. click 
149) A message from a young person. click 
150) Answers to some of my questions formulated in unit #148. click 
151) Richard’s simulated debate about excess heat errors. click 
152) My review article on current cold fusion claims. click 
153) TOO LONG (History of rejections of my review article.) click 
154) SHORTER (History of rejections of my review article.) click 
155) Storms’ tutorial on diffcult cases in calorimetry. click 
156) Unexpected charged particls were observed again. click 
157) Detecting cold fusion charge particles with CR-39: Comments and questions. click 
158) An extract from an interesting MIT article. click 
159) Categorization of cold fusion topics. click 
160) Radon background or not? (WAITNING FOR PERMISSION TO SHARE) click 
161) Josephson’s lecture and other comments on cold fusion (mostly from teachers). click 
162) An example of a cold fusion claim that makes no sense to me. click 
163) Absence of 100% reproducibility: What does it mean? click 
164) A case of mutual deception? click 
165) A short comment on names and definitions. click 
166) Non-scientists in cold fusion? click 
167) An unnecessary “open letter?” I think so. click 
168) Nucleosythesis in a lab? A Ukrainian connection. click 
169) An interesting effect was discovered in Texas click 
170) A Swedish connection that became something else. click 
171) A lively and informative discussion? I hope so. click 
172) Cold fusion being presented to students. click 
173) Wikopedia: Philosophical points of view. click 
174) What was the origin of excess power? An experiment worth replicating. click 
175) According to Mizuno et al. excess power can not possibly be chemical. click 
176) Swift nuclear particles from an electrolyte? Check it in a lab. click 
177) List of eleven international cold fusion conferences. click 
178) Sharing recent messages and comments click 
179) A student project. Work in progress. NOT YET POSTED click 
180) Please help to preserve cold fusion history. click 
181) A new cold fusion book. click 
182) Seeing a huge number of cold fusion tracks with my own eyes. click 
183) Pictures and numbers. (continuation from the unit #182). click 
184) Contamination or very long “life after death?” (continuation from the unit #183). click 
185) CR-39 detectors of charged nuclear particles. click 
186) Too good to be true? Turning radioactive isotopes into stable isotopes. click 
187) Magnetic monopoles in cold fusion, and other claims. click 
188) A chemically triggered nuclear process? What else can it be? click 
189) About my four attempts to observe a nuclear “cold fusion” effect. click 
190) A better generic name for “cold fusion?” click 
191) Trying to describe my understanding of Fisher’s polyneutrons. click 
192) Trying to replicate Oriani’s observations in my own cell. An electronic logbook. click 
193) Links to another website. click 
194) Comments about theories. click 
195) A pdf file to share. Click to see my introduction. Then download, if you want. click 
196) Open letter to the DOE scientists who investigated recent CANA claims. click 
197) My second Oriani effects experiment (the first is described in the unit #192). click 
198) Work in progress
199) Nonsense, fraud or very advanced science? click 
200) Teachers discussing scientifc methods click 
201) Cooperating with a high school student performing excess heat experiments. click 
202) Fraudulent claims of a German anthropologist. click 
203) On ending the controversy. click 
204) An Israeli connection. click 
205) A troubling episode. What can be done to prevent such things? click 
206) A new Russian report on nuclear alchemy. click 
207) Controversial cases in science (from New Scientist). click 
208) Haiko’s conversation with Martin Fleischmann click 
209) An Australian connection. click 
210) Making progress toward 100% reproducibility? click 
211) Charles Beaudette writes about the DOE report. click 
212) Answering four questions. click 
213) About the company Energetics Technologies in Israel. click 
214) The power of delusion or healthy optimism? click 
215) Solar Electricity click 
216) Too good to be true click 
217) Ukrainian connection again click 
218) To do or not to do it? click 
219) A workshop at Stevens Institute of Technology. click 
220) Upcoming CF workshops and conferences. click 
221) Work in progress (Mitch) click 
222) The majority of nature’s treasures are still hidden. click 
223) A spectacular excess heat report from Russia. click 
224) A cold fusion colloquium at MIT. click 
225) A student essay (WORK IN PROGRESS) click 
226) Another attempt to commercialize? click 
227) A new version of Fisher’s polyneutron theory. click 
228) Cars running on water? An old US patent. click 
229) A Russian patent of Gnedenko et al. click 
230) Translations of two Russian papers. click 
231) Gold from carrots. click 
232) Free energy and its impact. click 
233) More on free energy. click 
234) Comments on Ellis’ article about laws of complexity. click 
235) One year later. click 
236) Promises promises. click 
237) An MIT professor writes a report on an iESiUSA device shown to him. click 
238) What is cold fusion? click 
239) Identity theft? Cold fusion claims should be justified scientifically. click 
240) Generation of helium in cold fusion. click 
241) Questions concerning the protocol described in unit #240 click 
242) Now I must deal with two slightly different protocols. click 
243) Will sixty letters to the editor be published by Physics Today? click 
244) Coulomb barrier depends on the range of nuclear forces. click 
245) Avoiding a global disaster. click 
246) Manipulating half-lives of radioactive nuclei ? click 
247) Can magnetic forces (resulting from rotation) help deuterons to overcome coulomb barriers? click 
248) A proposed set of better names for known nuclear anomalies. click 
249) Trying to understand a theory explaing Condense Matter Nuclear Science (CMNS) data. click 
250) Stanislaw Szpak et al. — another case of nuclear alchemy. click 
251) Fracto-fusion, crack-fusion, Casimir-fusion, van der Waals fusion, hammer-fusion. click 
252) An invitation to perform a simple excess heat experiment. click 
253) History of Mizuno-type experiments (such as that described in unit #252). click 
254) Comments of a theoretical paper of Windom and Larsen. click 
255) Progress report and comments. click 
256) A possible source of error in some excess heat reports click 
257) A difficult to accept statistical protocol of Bass and McKubre click 
258) Can systematc errors result from sampling of irrecular waveforms? click 
259) The excess heat can be apparent in our next week experiment. click 
260) Is that kind of excess heat real or apparent? click 
261) How much excess heat ? click 
262) Common hydrogen (H2O) verus heavy hydrogen (D2O). click 
263) Fraudulent schemes are probably as old as civilization. click 
264) Measuring electric energy. click 
265) Another Italian connection. click 
266) Scared, reassured and scared again. click 
267) Excess heat not confirmed in our Texas experiment. click 
268) With an apology to Dr. Dean Sinclair click 
269) Analytical methods used in CMNS (condense matter nuclear science) research. click 
270) Colorado experiments also fail to confirm excess heat. click 
271) Another Colorado experiment. click 
272) No excess heat from Mizuno-type experiments. click 
273) Mircobial Transmutations at ICCF12 click 
274) Scientific Fraud ? An article in Washington Post and comments it generated. click 
275) Kasagi and excess fusion cross sections at low energies. click 
276) Low counts statistics (not finished?) click 
277) An outburst of messages. click 
278) New tabletop fusion devices: is it hot fusion or not? click 
279) Fraudulant financial manipulations ? click 
280) No courtesy of replying from Yale Scientific. click 
281) All reliable results should be reported. Hiding negative results is not scientific. click 
282) Velikovsky’s speculations. click 
283) Trying to be a moderator at the ISCMNS meeting. click 
284) Hydrinos versus CMNS click 
285) Our private correspondence before the Colorado-2 experiment. click 
286) An exciting Colorado2 experiment and comments over the Internet. click 
287) Social aspects of our controvery that started 17 years ago. Work in progress click 
288) Voices from a restricted list for CMNS researchers. click 
289) Another Russian connection? click 
290) Unexpected comments from some subscribers of the restricted CMNS discussion list. click 
291) Yes, these experiments are dangerous, but . . . click 
292) Why is this kind of discrimination legal? click 
293) Pathological science? click 
294) A historical overview of cold fusion. click 
295) Chiropractic also had to fight for recognition. click 
296) About the origin of Mizuno-type excess heat. click 
297) Too much sociology? click 
298) Nuclear alchemy in CMNS. click 
299) Randy Mills and his new chemistry. click 
300) Preliminary Colorado2 results. click 
301) Colorado2 results are now much less certain. click 
302) Alarming numbers and comments. click 
303) Well known reactions or something else? click 
304) Researchers discussing excess energy. click 
305) Science versus protoscience. click 
306) How to restrict a Google search to one server? click 
307) Archive of private correspondence about Mizuno-type experiments click 
308) Steven Jones plus an expecting new book about CMNS click 
309) Researchers speculate about NAE (nuclear active environment) click 
310) Alchemy versus CMNS; waiting for the proverbial “proof in the pudding.” click 
311) Reifenschweiler Effect (introducing an expected essay) click 
312) My old speculation about another kind of beta decay click 
313) Are oil companies responsible for conspiring against CMNS? click 
314) Will this be the first simple and truly reprodicible-on-demand demo? click 
315) A new phenomenon or a wrong interpretation of experimental data? click 
316) A new paradigm at the next stage! Why not? click 
317) About CR39 and other things click 
318) Theories, metatheories and philosophy click 
319) Our Phase 1 of The Galileo Project experiment click 
320) Our first steps in Phase 2 of The Galileo Project click 
321) My rejected publication + references click 
322) Rutherford-Bohr model being questioned. click 
323) This publication was not rejected; it was withdrawn. click 
324) Additional validation of our claim (made in unit #319). click 
325) More about SPAWAR results. click 
326) Online logbook of an experiment (continuation of unit #320) click 
327) Online logbook of the next PACA experiment (continuation of unit #326) click 
328) Srategy and scientific methodology: Recent comments and observations. click 
329) Continuation of after item 327; the online logbook. Experiment #5. click 
330) Trusting authotities in science click 
331) An illustration of propagation of errors via calibration. click 
332) Sonofusion is also struggling for recognition. click 
333) Oriani’s paper that was rejected by Phys Rev C without sending it referees. click 
334) For an item devoted to an ongoing Canada project (to be shown to me). still waiting 
335) A draft of my Catania 2007 workshop paper. click 
336) Catania 2007 paper as submitted, after the workshop. click 
337) Catania 2007 paper on nuclear radiation inside a glow discharge cell. click 
338) Voices from an interesting discussion about theories. click 
339) Three body orbiting: macroscopic and submicroscopic. click 
340) Speeding up radioactive decay: why is it not used to destroy radioactive waste? click 
341) Bazhutov’s search for erzions and enions click 
342) Two speculative messages from theoretically-oriented people click 
343) Work in progress click 
344) A new book about cold fusion (plus 4 recent messages from the CMNS list). click 
345) My own comments on the new book about cold fusion. click 
346) Calibration of CR-39 and other useful data. click 
347) About a new cold fusion paper published in a European mainstream physics journal. click 
348) Replying to a student interested in cold fusion click 
349) Modeling CR-39 tracks click 
350) What is it, unexplained alpha particles or something else? click 
351) High voltage electrolysis experiments (updates) click 
352) Ludwik’s paper for the next Cold Fusion conference (Washington DC, August, 2008) click 
353) After the Cold Fusion conference (notes and reflections) click 
354) Excess-heat cell of John Dash. click 
355) Neutrons ? click 
356) 20th anniversary is approaching click 
357) Discussing SPAWAR interpretation in a mainstream refereed journal. click 
358) Summary of Ludwik’s CMNS projects click 
359) SPAWAR high energy neutrons (plus other things) click 
360) CBS broadcased a unit about cold fusion click 
361) SPAWAR triple tracks click 
362) Curie Project click 
363) About Alchemy and CMNS click 
364) Do polyneutrons explain CMNS? click 
365) My shot-in-a-dark experiment click 
366) Cold Nuclear Fusion: Does it exist? A recent review by a Russian scientist click 
367) Discussing theories click 
368) The Curie Project (a difficult start) click 
369) History of my CR-39 cooperation with Oriani click 
370) Spawar new results and new interpretation click 
371) Physics Teachers discuss our energy options (not a cold fusion item) click 
372) Technical information about CR-39, mylar, etc. click 
373) The Curie Project (update) click 
374) New Scientist thread (NOT READY discussing cold fusion) click 
375) Results from The Curie Project (NOT READY. To be shown after results are published) click 
376) Arata-type experiments click 
377) Scientific method click 
378) Destruction of radioactivity by cavitation or a false alarm? click 
379) My paper (comments about SPAWAR results) was rejected by a mainstream journal. click 
380) Destruction of radioactivity by cavitation or a false alarm? click 
381) Free proceeding from the 4th cold fusion conference (ICCF4) click 
382) Four most important cognitive terms to discuss scientific validations. click 
383) Other sets of CR-39 results click 
384) Loose ends: The debate is going on. click 
385) More speculations. click 
386) Integrity or hypocrisy (on the Physics Today web site)? click 
387) Voices from the private discussion list for researchers.? click 
388) A patent for a spectacular energy amplifier click 
389) This article might be a joke. click 
390) Another set of spectacular claims. But the two papers are poorly written. click 
391) Topic to be assigned click 
392) A potentiall damaging episode click 
393) Rejections of CF manuscripts click 
394) Draft of the Montreal article click 
395) A new SPAWAR paper (emission of high enegy neutrons). click 
396) What is new in March 2012 ? click 
397) Ludwik’s first Progress in Physics article (about Rossi) to download. click 
398) Ludwik’s second Progress in Physics article (Social aspects of CF) to download. click 
399) Spectacular claims of Andrea Rossi click 
400) Why no follow-up investigations? click 
401) Curie Project and SPAWAR project (July 2011). click 
402) Bacterial transmutations (to download). click 
403) Ludwik’s 10 Years With Cold Fusion: A Memoir. click 
404) Cold fusion is not the same as hot fusion. click 
405) AmoTerra Process Destroying Radioactive Waste Again (see Unit 186). click 
406) History of the biological alchemy controversy. click 
407) Our Curie Project did not confirm this CF claim. click 
408) Rossi’s claims conflict with traditional nuclear physics. click 
409) Social aspects of the cold fusion controversy. click 
410) Cold Fusion Energy Levels. click 
411) Interesting Fall 2012 messages (production of He4). click 
412) NAE again; Storm’s summary click 
413) Philosophical and Social Aspects click 
414) Sample of interesting posts click 
415) Another Cold Fusion conference is approaching click 
416) Discussing reproducibility click 
417) Recent posts click 
418) Voices from the CMNS list (January 2015) click 
419) Parkhomov’s Nuclear Reactor (March 2015) click 
420) Loose notes on his Nuclear Reactor (May 2015) click 

420) Peter Gluck interviews Edd Storms (September 2015) click 

Return to the top of this list of items.

This website contains other cold fusion items.
Click to see the list of links

============================================ Comments will be appreciated


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