IP study

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Subpage: list of RW IP edits (mine and impersonations/imitations)

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I have been writing about impersonation socks, and I decided to look at recent IP edits to RW, using Recent Changes and looking for any red flags, as well as my own edits. Here is what I found.

  •  was certainly not me. I notice that the edit to User talk:Debunking spiritualism was deleted by GrammarCommie. GrammerCommie also blocked the IP with “piss off, Lomax.” Why? The plot thickens.

A conversation on User_talk: was read because it was edited by Debunking spiritualism, which is obviously Darryl L. Smith. He did something nice, asking for and implementing the deletion of an attack article (which he or his brother created). DS, however, assumes that the IP editing the talk page was the article target, which I’m not planning on mentioning here, but anyone can find it. And I do think he is correct, but he also took previous actions inconsistent with that.

These would be the edits to the talk page in question, March 9, 10, and 17. Those were reverted by DS, though they seem harmless. This could have been the article target attempting to explain the record. There had been sock editing before, March 6, which had been reverted. The two socks were 20,000 and Litoes. Those are not me, but they vandalized the page with material copied from me.

DS then protected the page with “abd lomax sockpuppeting,” in spite of substantial evidence presented of extensive impersonation — which has been removed whenever I pointed to it (in edits that I will be acknowledging there). And here we have more evidence of impersonation taking place. RationalWiki invites discussion from those who disagree. They lie. They block users with disagreements or complaints, with the slightest excuse, when

http://www.lulu.com/shop/ben-steigmann/abd-ul-rahman-lomax-internet-troll/ebook/product-23565204.html I will be taking legal action. RW users have created this. (talk) 19:07, 20 March 2018 (UTC)

The page on lulu.com, is an alleged book.  This was a copy of what Oliver D. Smith created on an Encyclopedia Dramatic Forum, then archived on archive.is within a minute, then linked from Rational Wiki, on his talk page, within a few minutes. The latter was revision-deleted by his twin, Darryl. Darryl surely, then, knows what Oliver is doing.

See also edits and page creations relating to the lulu book by impersonation socks: GrammarCommie, intrepid sysop, handles them

I had considered it likely that Darryl was the impersonator I had exposed on Wikipedia, but Oliver had impersonated this person on RationalWiki, starting the articles on Emil Kirkegaard and John Fuerst. So …. maybe that actually was Oliver. Oliver has claimed that Darryl was the one creating massive numbers of socks. But … these trolls routinely lie. The IP evidence from Wikipedia checkuser could be misleading. Etc. Of this I’m sure: the ED Forum page was created by ODS, which does not demonstrate that the Lulu “book” was created by him. Impersonation of the alleged author of the book was apparently by Darryl.

Oliver had, for the first time, openly acknowledged some of his RW accounts, and started editing as ODS, his real initials, at the same time as Darryl was editing as Debunking spiritualism, and confirmed that Darryl was his brother. Darryl is still trying to cover it all up, by creating a huge smokescreen that will confuse RW users, too many of whom dislike actually studying WIGO. They prefer snarky reactions, not realizing what fools the Smiths are making out of them and the wiki.

As to Darryl, he clearly realizes or thinks that the IP is Steigmann, so … why did he protect that page because of “abd lomax sockpuppeting.” He obviously knows that I am being impersonated, and he is still trying to convince others that the “Smith brothers conspiracy theory” is just a paranoid fantasy, though the horse ran out of that barn long ago. There really are two brothers, who really have created an enormous number of socks, some of which impersonate others in order to defame them.

Now, back to the IP study.

  • 17:38, 10 March 2018 User account Anonymous4thelolz (talk | contribs | block) was created
  • A4TL created a user page with wikicode, which fooled many user because it displays the name of the user who is reading it. The user also claimed to be a sock of Rimuru Tempest.
  • The discussion is priceless. Christopher points out what is happening, but ODS doesn’t get it. He is absolutely fixated on “Lomax” with zero evidence. DS actually blocked A4TL, saying “look at his user page,” meaning that anyone who mentions Debunking spiritualism must be Lomax. Neat!
  • Truly amazing, A4TL ends up blaming me for the hysterical reaction by DS and ODS, and the socking. This affair ends up testing the intelligence of the RW tribe, and they are failing badly.
  • 17:32 17 March 2018 was not me, it’s an impersonation, repeating the claim of impersonation with twists, as usual. It wrote: “Readymade, debunking spiritualism and Christopher have impersonated me to blacklist my name on this website.” I do not believe and have never claimed that Readymade and Christopher have impersonated me. The impersonator could be DS, but it could also be ODS. This is all straw man attack.

Notice this lovely sequence. This was me.

This was, literally, not me, i.e., User:Notme. Why would I create an account to simply revert?  https://rationalwiki.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk%3AChristopher&type=revision&diff=1937228&oldid=1937183 and this edit takes the case, written as a response to Christopher:

Actually, that whole section is worth looking at:

An explanation

Sorry about all that, I’ll explain what happened.

There is a banned troll who has been harrassing and doxing people here, including Debunking Spiritualism. He spammed a link to his website which revealed personal info about one of our users here just before (I think) you posted about pi in the Bible. Debunking Spiritualism (who was probably still looking out for this troll as he’d just dealt with him) saw your post in special:recentchanges and clicked on your username. He saw “Hello Debunking Spiritualism” on a new user’s page just after a troll obsesssed with him had been active, he then started all of that discussion above. Christopher(talk) 17:15, 17 March 2018 (UTC)

They are impersonations from maybe yourself, readymade and debunking spiritualism. I will do a new article about this. Notme (talk) 17:18, 17 March 2018 (UTC)

Christopher seems to be incapable of understanding alternate hypotheses. I have never claimed, nor do I believe, that any of the impersonations are from Christopher or Readymade. These are claims being made by an anonymous troll. They might be from DS, but I am now leaning more toward ODS, it is much less likely that it was another troll besides one of the brothers. The active troll that Christopher was talking about was “New article,” I think. See also Christopher’s logs, his activity dealing with the troll.

This trolling has developed a clear pattern. I created a page studying Readymade’s activity with respect to me, as the first in a possible series of pages on RationalWiki “Supporters and Enablers..” Soon after that page was opened for public view, many copies of what I had written appeared, as can be seen with the links above. This same behavior had happened before, when I wrote the page supra,

Most of the “personal info” would be about Readymade, who was a very well-known RW user, and who did not attempt to conceal it. Readymade lied, and I documented that, but Readymade is, I’ll repeat, not suspected of impersonations, just of terminal carelessness and of providing support to trolls. None of the information in what I wrote rises to the level of “personal information” that would be called doxxing. For comparison, look at my RationalWiki article, giving a birth name which is difficult to find. That article was written and developed by a series of accounts documented here. This was clearly the original “Anglo Pyramidologist” sock master, whom I had exposed on Wikipedia and Wikiversity. Originally, I did not know about the “Smith brothers,” only that the original Wikipedia Anglo Pyramidologist, with two hundred identified and blocked socks, was actually two brothers, as they claimed. (I.e., AP was Oliver D. Smith, and the brother, later known to be Darryl L. Smith, was creating many accounts.) Both were long-term disruptive. I requested checkuser and Wikipedia socks impersonating Ben Steigmann were shown to be not him, but single sock master both disrupting Wikipedia with impersonations, allegedly promoting Ben Steigmann’s work, and requesting checkuser and then requesting deletion of the work and blocking of Steigmann on Wikiversity. It worked. The work was deleted and Steigmann was blocked.

Evidence led back to RationaWiki and the long-term socking there. Oliver Smith later admitted he had created articles on John Fuerst and Emil O.W. Kirkegaard; looking at those articles showed that they were created by an account, Ben Steigmans. In an email to me, Oliver claimed that this wasn’t impersonation because the name was spelled differently and because it (allegedly) was not Steigmann’s real name.

When I started to look for socks on RationalWiki, and I was just identifying suspected accounts, this was called “doxxing,” though in the only cases where a neutral observer examined what I wrote, they said it wasn’t doxxing. This is all available for review by anyone who cares.

For a long time, Oliver and Darryl  Smith have used RationalWiki as a platform to defame their targets. This has been combined with a campaign to defame anyone who criticized them. The mother of a critic lost her job from complaints from Oliver Smith (and others working with him at the time). Many accounts on social media sites have been terminated because of a combination of impersonation socking and private complaints. I was globally banned by the WikiMedia Foundation Office, apparently because of private complaints. I was never informed of the charges against me, and the WMF claims that there is no appeal. We will see.

(I was in communication with WMF functionaries and had been told that there was no danger that I would be banned, given the facts. But the complaint letters probably lied, and when a number of people agree with lies, administrators, failing to see the connections, may decide to believe the lies.)

The RW article on me describes me as a harasser, but incidents in the past that might be described as harassment were very few. Basically, any request for checkuser could be considered harassment, as an example. I have absolutely no history of massive and disruptive socking. Recent edits on RationalWiki by me are the first time I have edited personally. (I socked for a very brief period in 2011 to demonstrate a process that had worked for other users, it was a method for a banned user to make positive contributions without complicating ban enforcement, it actually represented cooperation with the ban.)

Impersonation socking to defame is a long-term practice of the AP socks, it appears that both Oliver and Darryl have done it.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 16 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 16 March 2018 01:21 – 1:49 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 14:38, 14 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 18:16, 14 March 2018 was me

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 01:54, 13 March 2018 (and 1:56) was me.

March 4 – March 12, I made some edits to User talk:CheeseburgerFace.. (i.e., not even sysops may see them.) There was unnecessary revert warring from AP socks, as I recall, This was simply a request to look at the impersonation socking; CF did not respond for some days. His response, when he showed up, was to hide the whole thing. See the page logs

and CF suppressed the whole sequence, hiding 22 revisions.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ was me. This was a “message to all sincere users.” At that point, I did not know how many there were. I still think there are some, but almost nobody has come forth to actually engage on issues of substance around how RW is being abused. Maybe it’s not being abused. Maybe defamation is the actual purpose, and those parts of the community that didn’t want to participate in that have left.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log/block&page=User%3A69.181.4.251 was not me, though blocked by GrammarCommie as me. This was probably the real [redacted].

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 22:56, 11 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 18:01, 11 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 19:11, 11 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 15:41, 11 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 15:28, 11 March 2018 (and 15:29) was me. [suppressed edits by CF as above]

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 15:05, 11 March 2018  was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 23:49, 9 March 2018 ( – 00:08, 10 March 2018) was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/  22:22, 9 March 2018 (- 23:21} was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 18:57, 9 March 2018 (-18.59) was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 18:41, 9 March 2018  was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 03:27, 6 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 22:08, 5 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 02:21, 6 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/  21:44, 5 March 2018  was me

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 21:14, 5 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 19:05, 5 March 2018 (-19:20) was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 12:17, 5 March 2018 was not me, nor was it a “friend.”

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ was likely an AP troll.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 02:56, 5 March 2018

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 10:40, 4 March 2018 was not me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 02:50, 4 March 2018 (-03:15) was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 02:35, 4 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 03:25, 1 March 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 02:57, 1 March 2018 (-03.06) was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 19:20, 26 February 2018 (-19:36) was me

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 00:08, 26 February 2018 was me.

https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ 23:55, 25 February 2018 was me.

I looked back to 00:44 18 February, 2018. I found no more IP edits that were mine. During this period there were many, many impersonation socks pretending to be me, and a few IPs the same. Most edits relating to the “Smith brothers” or “cold fusion community” issues were not me, by far. I created no pages in this period. The creation of abusive pages was an AP traint.

It is possible I have missed edits, though certainly not many. I did not  keep records. It is more possible that I have missed impersonations, particularly later on, when the impersonation socks were editing many user pages for users I had no particular connection with. Some of these may show up later, and suggestions and corrections and questions are always welcome.

01:53, 22 March 2018 Rimuru Tempest (talk | contribs | block) blocked (talk) with an expiration time of 314159 seconds (about 3.6 days) (account creation disabled, cannot edit own talk page) (Harassment) was not me.


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