Wong Wong assumptions, cabbage conclusions.

I wrote a post about the Wong report and made a bonehead error, which Simon Derricut kindly pointed out. I have returned it to Draft status and will fix it. If anyone wants it that way, it can be preserved in history … but it was awful.

Author: Abd ulRahman Lomax

See http://coldfusioncommunity.net/biography-abd-ul-rahman-lomax/

2 thoughts on “Wong Wong assumptions, cabbage conclusions.”

  1. Abd – to err is human (and to sin is divine…). What sets people apart is how they react to being told there is an error. Accept it, fix it and move on is the best strategy, and this is what you’ve done here. It would however be nice if Wong himself could accept that he made a big mistake, too, and retracted his evidence before it gets destroyed in court.

    I still like the image of Rossi’s toupée being blown off every time he went to work at Doral….

    1. Abd – to err is human (and to sin is divine…). What sets people apart is how they react to being told there is an error. Accept it, fix it and move on is the best strategy, and this is what you’ve done here.

      Well said Simon.

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