For Darryl to link to the WWHP page was completely remarkable. However, he has enough experience with RationalWiki (and he tried also to fix the article on me), to know that the deceptive impressions that he spent years to create would not vanish just because he, on the face someone different, says that it was wrong. He engaged whole generations of RationalWiki editors in his crusade as retaliation for Rome Viharo documenting the “wikipedia problem,” which intimately involved him, certainly as Goblin Face and likely other accounts.

Notice that DS claims “author request.” That’s because he was the author!

(We can think that an impersonator wanted to establish this. For what audience? I know of no person who has investigated the AP/Krom/Atlantid/Gobling Face sock family who still thinks that it was one person (i.e. Oliver Smith). That opinion has been expressed in the past, but this was before there was serious investigation, using better evidence. In addition, I have the equivalent of checkuser evidence and I’m suspecting I’m going to see some interesting facts when I look — it takes time, I have no automated tool like Media Wiki checkuser, on the blog. In the past, commentary focused on Oliver Smith, because he has been public about his identity. I began, some time ago, to document Darryl L. Smith. There were reactions). They did not begin on May 3!)

So, naturally, his deletion was reversed, by Cozmicdebris.

admits it is about doxxing of his family. I.e., the Smith brothers.

and 12 more revision deletions on that page. These were all restored by Grammar Commie. What was he hiding? Until I saw this, I didn’t realize there was an early incarnation of “Racialism.” Some archives I found: Talk page history\

This was the second attempt to hide all that, see below for the first. Both failed.

Archive 1 history (notice edit by Gorgonite, attempting to hide discussion.) Gorgonite was blanking an edit by Windir, replying to IP (Mikemikev? Maybe). Archive1 was deleted by FuzzyCatPotato, with the summary “13:42, 25 October 2016 FuzzyCatPotato (talk | contribs deleted page Talk:Racial realism/Archive1 (content was: “{{talk archive}} == Stupidly One-sided == So stupidly one-sided. This page is a complete joke. Clearly written by a “race denying” crackpot.<sup>— Unsigned, by: / User talk:…”)

Did FCP know what he was doing? The only edit of that IP was to create the Talk page back in 2012. FCP was indeed scrubbing history. Gorgonite was an obvious Oliver sock. (These users only effectively hide from others who are paying little attention, a common problem on wikis.) RationalWiki does not, per se, sanction sock puppetry, unless the user is unpopular.

The edit that Gorgonite blanked was by Windir (contributions). Naturally, I look for hidden  contributions.

Nice. To Talk:Race as an additional comment after his comment of 18:12, 8 October 2014

Btw, this is the level of Mikemikev’s intelligence:>

User:Excuse Me I’m ON LSD

I don’t want to wear purple pants and “i’m on LSD” are listed among two of Mikemikev’s socks.

Maybe it was the LSD he takes that turned him into such a mental-case. Windir (talk) 13:31, 9 October 2014 (UTC)

Classic trolling. The entire RW site is like this. Articles troll for outrage, and if the target shows up, he is harassed, sometimes impersonated, and commonly blocked.

The Talk archives for “Race” have been deleted. However, Talk:Race is still up, so I’m creating archives based on the page as archived by the bot or others, including extensively blanked text. The full page history.  These are snapshots of the page just before removals. They are not as convenient as normal Talk page archives, but edits can be found. Some of these already existed. Text in collapse is also shown.

Users and IPs were outed as Mikemikev. Doxxing is Bad when AP socks(Goody Guys!) are doxxed, Good when Bad Guys are doxxed. The difference between Good Guys and Bad Guys is that Bad Guys hide. Oh. Wait! That talk page was deleted. Lots of RationalWiki discussion has been, later, deleted, with no explanation. Who is hiding?

Removed an edit by Torch (Darryl!) about Mikemikev.  Reverted by Spud.

  • 01:33, 3 May 2018 Debunking spiritualism (talk | contribs) changed visibility of a revision on page Talk:Racial realism: content hidden and edit summary hidden (Inappropriate comment or personal information:

and 16 more. GrammarCommie restored 13. What revisions are still hidden? Three revisions were previously hidden, one by Skeptical (Darryl) 02:27, 31 October 2017.  (which would be three or more years after the edit. Skeptical did the same thing as DS did later, only not so extensively. There are a total of five hidden. discrepancy of one. Nothing particularly striking on the page. Some more AP socks.

removed edits by Jon Donniz, Saxton, and possible Mikemikev IP. The first two are likely AP socks.

why would Darryl block this IP 4 years later? To tag the IP with “Mikemikev” for anyone seeing this later. The IP is Korean, which could indicate mikemikev at that time, but it’s also possible to choose an open proxy there.

Oliver and Darryl have both supported this, eventually. But that article was created by ODS (Oliver) and Oliver there acknowledges that it was as revenge against me. (Darryl, DS, created the article on me.)

The page was created by an AP sock, that’s clear. Which one, I’m not entirely sure. This is a common tactic: ridicule reality, call it a “conspiracy theory.” The creator comments, MrOrganic (possibly Oliver). The article on me was created by Marky (DS). While MrOrganic created that page, it gets blamed on Rome Viharo by Marky, and David Gerard bought that. The fact is that the “Smith brothers” theory is not a “conspiracy theory,” it is that there are two brothers, Oliver and Darryl Smith. The Oliver half of that is far beyond proven. “Darryl” remains somewhat circumstantial. There really is a brother, that’s clear, but Oliver recently claimed it was all him and that he’d been lying for hears about the “brother.”  So lying then or lying now, how much does it matter? This will get sorted legally, I strongly suspect.

Schizophrenic was Oliver. I found the edit and documented it, so Darryl is trying to cover it up.


Callimachus is Oliver D. Smith.

Archived 2 May 2018 19:45:01 UT.

Socks found in this review (these could be Oliver or Darryl). A few listed could be impersonations.

September 5, 2013 see archive. Fraudulently signs IP edit “Eveshi.”
May 23, 2014 hidden edit to Talk:Racial realism (remove libellous illegal doxing from the sockpuppet troll mikemikev/MU.) Content blanked: “Jon Donniz/Saxton is the mentally ill troll Atlantid/Pyramidologist/Oliver Smith. He specialises in accusing people of being his socks. (talk) 08:49, 23 May 2014 (UTC) “(link is live, but archived). This material would have saved a lot of time. There are conclusions in it that I’m not prepared to support, but … Mikemikev did a lot of research, and reported it relatively soberly. Considering how early this was, it was quite good. Of course this was hidden on RationalWiki! (It would routinely be hidden because of the doxxing of Oliver Smith, for sure, but also mentioning Atlantid or Pyramidologist — known and admitted Oliver socks (i.e., Oliver was the original Wikipedia Anglo Pyramidologist, effectively banned in 2011– has also resulted in blocks and revision hiding.)

 Skeptic Jon 5-7 September, 2013 & 2 April 2014, last edit, hidden, to Talk:Racial realism.: “ is troll Mikemikev. He’s been on this page for years.” likely Darryl