IH Fanboy

I already have a page on IH Fanboy, I notice. I might move that. However, this is about current discussion. Alan Fletcher pointed to a discussion here that also looked at an IH Fanboy post, though a reader won’t know it from reading what IHFB quoted.

IH Fanboy wrote:

Alan Fletcher wrote:

AbD’s been grumbling about me … ” because he has continued with other face-palm stupidities.”
AbD : AF

[IHFB quoted the entire Fletcher comment, having nothing to do with him, though his post is discussed in that liked post.]

Abd is an amazing soul. He actually makes me feel important. I’ve never had someone else write so extensively about yours truly. He probably even outranks my mother on that front.

Trolls routinely lie, but they can also troll with truth. Perhaps IHFB is being sarcastic here, but it is entirely off-topic where posted. Trolls turn conversations and discussions into personal attacks and defenses. They are highly disruptive. There is no clear line between stupid participants and trolls, because trolls will often imitate “stupid.” As well, knowledgeable and sincere participants may say what will poke and irritate another; if this is done deliberately, it’s a form of trolling.

LF has a quite ambivalent attitude about trolling and disruptive participation. Obvious and blatant disruption is tolerated for a time.

(For example, Roger Barker is a blatant troll targeting Mary Yugo; Mary Yugo is just plain weird, but, from years of conversation, Mary does apparently believe what she writes and is merely a particular kind of unsophisticated, a professional with a few big holes in her understanding of life and science. Not uncommon. Mary could do useful work if she decided to engage usefully. Instead, she is wasting vast chunks of her retirement tilting at windmills. I’d put her to work cataloging and documenting windmills. — and I’m using the pronoun of choice, I think. The reality is well-known but there is no need to violate ordinary courtesy. Perhaps Mary could assist us in explaining Kirk Shanahan’s CCS theory, such that Shanahan would say, Yes, that’s what I think.)

The Alan Fletcher post was related to the Rossi-IH relationship, IHFB’s comment is entirely about me, or more accurately, about him, and it pretends, as well, to be about his mother.

What I’d actually written was at the top of the post.

It was not about IHFB, but about what he wrote. I don’t know IHFB, nor do I know his mother, but I’m pretty sure that no mother is writing about “IH Fanboy.” (Married to Mr. Fanboy, eh?) We have a potential interaction between the ghost called IHFB and the real world, through Alan Fletcher. So Alan may come to know who he is. However, I don’t really care. My concern is the “cold fusion community,” and phenomena arising in that community, and the posting of IHFB is one of them. The account has over 2000 posts to LENR Forum. Quality has been declining.

One way to get my attention is to use my name. Unfortunately, the LF interface that would notify me is totally broken, unaccessible, because of the reckless ban. Long story. But I see all comments on this blog, I have to, as admin. However, anyone regularly posting repetitive mishegas or flabber on LF will probably eventually be mentioned. Or, for that matter, useful information or discussion.

(Most of the flabber I see, I ignore. Sometimes it’s a slow news day, or I have serious work to avoid.)

If IHFB says anything worth looking at, someone tell me.


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